Text-to-Speech Solutions for KDE 4 Accessibility
KDE User and Administrator Conference
KDE Developers and Users Conference 2005
Speakers: Gary Cramblitt, Hynek Hanke, and Jan Buchal
Language: English
Check the Schedule for an overview of all talks during this conference.
Target Audience: KDE Accessibility Developers and general KDE Developers
Qt4 offers the GUI framework that will finally make it possible to implement a KDE Screen Reader for the blind or low-sighted. A key component that will be needed is a Text-to-Speech (TTS) module. This talk will present two existing TTS systems as possible solutions -- the KDE Text-to-Speech System (KTTS) and Speech Dispatcher.
KTTS is an existing KDE capability included in the kdeaccessibility module. Speech Dispatcher is a system developed by Brailcom.
The KTTS and Speech Dispatcher teams are currently working to merge their efforts together into a single solution. Depending upon the progress made towards that goal, this talk will either present them as a single solution for KDE, or as alternatives. In the latter case, pros and cons for each will be discussed.
The talk will include:
- A demonstration of existing capabilities.
- Design objectives and architecture.
- Recent and planned enhancements.
- Known limitations.
- Programming examples.
Facility Requirements:
- A means of projecting notebook computer screen.
- A means of connecting audio output from notebook computer to amplifier.
Gary Cramblitt, Hynek Hanke, and Jan Buchal
Suggestions and inquiries direct please to KDE aKademy Team.