Report on collaboration between usability people and developers in KDE (What happened last year?)

KDE Coding Marathon

Language: English

Check the Schedule for an overview of all talks during this conference.

Target Audience: Developers and users interested in usability

This talk gives an insight into the activities of usability people being involved with KDE projects.

First, we will give a brief introduction to usability and the methods we apply, e.g. cognitive walkthroughs, prototyping or user testing. Each method will be explained by showing their actual application in KDE projects during the last year. Then, we will present an extract of the collaboration between usability people and developers in KDE and its effects on the user interfaces. Finally, we will summarize KDE's status quo from a usability point of view as well as the opportunities and challenges of future usability work.

Suggestions and inquiries direct please to KDE aKademy Team.